June 7-8.

About the Forum
KIT-Forum is the largest event in the sphere of IT and digital innovations in Kyrgyzstan, held since 2010. Participants are representatives of business, international experts, IT community, and government agencies. Every year it attracts up to 2000 participants: specialists, experts, heads of companies, students and representatives of government and public organizations. The goal of the event: to unite the government, business, IT and international community. The theme of KIT Forum 2024: Kyrgyz Republic: Uniting Global Technologies. The Forum is aimed at unlocking Kyrgyzstan's investment potential, attracting global investors and connecting them with local opportunities. Kyrgyzstan, located at the crossroads of Asia and Europe, offers strategic access to emerging markets due to its resources and supportive business environment. Interesting discussions, presentations, master classes and networking opportunities are expected.
Our speakers
Representatives of state authorities of Central Asian countries, internationally recognized experts, as well as representatives of large foreign IT companies will be invited as speakers.

Akylbek Usenbekovich Zhaparov
Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic - Head of the Presidential Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Azamat Burzhuev
Head of the Digitalization Department of the Administration of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Nuria Kutnaeva Asylbekovna
Minister of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic

Leslie Viguerie
Ambassador of the United States of America to the Kyrgyz Republic

Tattu Mambetalieva
Tattu Mambetalieva - Director of PF Civic Internet Policy Initiative, leading partner of the international consortium for the development of digital legislation, innovator and public figure who has made a significant recognized contribution to institutional, legal and public development in the field of ICT, improvement of business climate and economic growth in the ICT sector of the Kyrgyz Republic and the CIS.

Hideki Goda
Ambassador of Japan to the Kyrgyz Republic

Lee Wonjae
Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Kyrgyz Republic.

Rapil Zhoshybaev
The Ambassador of Kazakhstan

Khurshid Mirzakhidov
The Ambasador of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Kyrgyz Republic

Lee Won Joo
Inha Technical College
Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering Professor

Dr. Jaesung Lee
The Director of LUPIC(Leading University Project for International Cooperation)
LUPIC is the project operated by the Ministry of Education, the Republic of Korea for five years. By this project, Inha Technical College helps to initiate and to operate the Department of Computer Science in the Kyrgyz-Korean College. We expect that LUPIC do an important role to increase the capacity of ICT in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Donguook Lee
CEO & Founder of SMT Co.,Ltd.

Artem Belyaev
CEO of Kanda Software, co-founder of TimelySoft, regional director of the International Student Programming Olympiad in Kyrgyzstan

Anatoly Motkin
StrategEast is a leading independent institution working to develop the Eurasia’s digital economy, in collaboration with international financial institutions, development agencies, global tech companies, and Eurasian governments.

Tomonori Deguchi
Remote Sensing Department, ArkEdge Space Inc.
R&D on application technique by using remote sensing data.

Kaufumi Kawanoue
xyZing Japan., Ltd
Business development support for Chinese-speaking countries
Industrial tour planning and operaIon

Kanatbek Abdrakhmatov
President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic

Ryo Ui
ArkEdge Space Inc.
Acting General Manager of Remote Sensing Department

Almaz Chanachev
Head of EPAM Office in Kyrgyzstan

Ulan Abdurazakov
Senior Full-Stack engineer, AI enthusiast, co founder The Cramer Project

Bakay Zhunushov
Lead Manager, SME Advisory Department, Republic of Kyrgyzstan, EBRD

Alymbek Sadybakasov
Chief Technical Officer @ Salym.ai
AI and Robotics expert with numerous AI projects for Lufthansa, Porsche, Deutsche Telekom and many more

Andriy Dovbysh
Director of Timely Skills

Adil Adenov
Senior Machine Learning Engineer, co founder AI Community Kyrgyzstan, AkylAI

Jamal Duishekeeva
HRD Kanda CA
Organizational development expert, HRD with 20 years of experience.
Organizational psychologist. Specialist in business psychoanalysis.
Consultant on optimization and digital transformation of processes.
President of the National Association of HR Experts of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Kyrgyz Psychoanalytical Association (KPA).
Member of the Board of the International Association of Psychoanalysis of Business (IAPBO).
Member of the European Association for the Development of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (EAPP).
Head of the branch of the International School of Group Psychoanalysis (ISGA) in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Daniil Akhtyrchenko
More than 20 years in different IT spheres.
Last 5 years Frontend-developer in EPAM on large international projects.
Mentor, speaker, community driver.

Daniyar Artykov
FrontSpot Asia community driver. Software engineer at EPAM Systems. Mentor in RS School online courses. One of the developers of Netex.kg crypto platform

Vyacheslav Ogay
Vyacheslav Ogay, Lead Software Engineer at ClearScale, a member of AWS User Group Kyrgyzstan and a twice AWS Certified Professional. With more than 15 years of IT experience, he specializes in migrating enterprise applications from on-premises to AWS and developing cloud native applications.

Beknazar Kemelov
Senior Software Engineer at EPAM Kyrgyzstan with extensive experience in web application development. During seven years of work in IT Beknazar has accumulated professional knowledge helping clients to create and maintain relevant projects. He is also a leader of AWS UG Kyrgyzstan IT community and actively shares his experience and knowledge.

Asankozhoeva Kyyal
People Manager at Mad Devs,
Professional ICI Coach
Professional ICF Coach
Team coach according to the ICF standard
Crisis psychologist-practitioner.
13+ years in banking, 7+ years in psychology and 2+ years in IT

Timur Turatali
Senior Data Science Engineer, VC CitiBank, co-founder of The Cramer Project, co-founder of AI Community Kyrgyzstan

Denis Pavlov
ML Engineer at The Cramer Project

Erkhan Adaev
AI Academy Director

Atai Soronkulov
Director of Business Development, Freedom Pay

Alice Tian
Managing Partner, Head of PMO in Mad Devs

Samat Zhukeshev
Delivery Manager in Mad Devs

Dina Ruslan
Founder & CEO, CODIFY

Aysalkyn Tashmatova
Lead of Mobile Community & Android Developer in Mad Devs

Timur Odintsev
iOS Developer

Maksim Pankov
Delivery Manager at Mad Devs
More than eight years of overall experience in IT and more than four years of experience as a project manager

Dmitry Vasilievich
Senior Performance Analyst at EPAM

Ilya Zhamiashvili
Software Test Automation Engineer at EPAM

Ruslan Abdurasulov
Senior Software Testing Engineer at EPAM

Shabir Ayoubi
Software Test Automation Engineer at EPAM

Ertur Sheranov
Worked as a software engineer at EPAM Systems and leader of the Digital Koom community, in IT for 3+ years

Azamat Sultanov
Scrum Master / Agile Project Manager,
Dante Pay, EPAM Systems, Palindrome, Namba Soft.
Holder of international certifications PSM I, PSM II, 5+ years in IT

Indira Jambayeva
Deputy Director of Project Management Office,
Holder of PMP, PSM I international certificates, has been working in the field of professional project management for 17 years.

Kalmanbetov Aman
Software Engineer, Mancho, IT also 4+ years

Karimov Rasul
Software Engineer, Mancho, IT to 2+ years

Daniyar Dzhumanazarov
Director of IT Courses/Programming Geeks

Turdubaev Taalai
COO Macaronaya Lavka Kazakhstan
ex Agile coach TechnoDom
Сertified Scrum master I, II
Сertified Kanban KSD KSI

Kurmanalieva Kanyshay
HRD & Agile coach ОсОО “Finance Soft”

Ksenia Tsyganova
Internet of Things and Smart Homes enthusiast, leader of Google's Women Techmakers, Techwomen 2022 alumna, Technovation Girls Challenge mentor
June 7 KIT-Forum 2024: Kyrgyz Republic: Uniting Global Technologies
08:00-09:00 | Registration of participants |
Grand Opening
·Tattu Mambetalieva, President of KIT Forum, Director at Civil Initiative on Internet Policy
·Akylbek Japarov, Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic ·Kanatbek Abdrakhmatov, President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic ·Nuria Kutnaeva, Minister of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic ·Khurshid Mirzakhidov, The Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Kyrgyz Republic ·Rapil Zhoshybaev The Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the Kyrgyz Republic ·Lesslie Viguerie, The Ambassador of the United States of America to the Kyrgyz Republic ·Hideki Goda The Ambassador of Japan to the Kyrgyz Republic ·Lee Won-jae,Ambassador of Korea to the Kyrgyz Republic |
KIT Awards Ceremony
Best AI project,
Best IT education, Best KyrgyzTech project, Best Ambassador of the IT community, Best IT Official. |
Akyl.ai - Kyrgyz Breakthrough
Ulan Abdurazakov, CEO & Founder of Akyl.ai
11:30 – 12:30
WaterTech Solutions from Japanese & Korean Startups (ENG)
·Donguook Lee, CEO & Founder of SMT Co.,Ltd.
·Ui, Ryo, Acting General Manager of the Remote Sensing Department of ArkEdge Space Inc; ·Deguchi, Tomonori Technical Expert of the Remote Sensing Department of ArkEdge Space Inc ·Dr. Malik, Kapil Kupar South Asia Sales Manager at Synspective Inc ·Kawanoe, Kazufumi, South Asia Sales Manager of Aeronext Inc ·Moderator: Nuria Kutnaeva, Minister of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic |
12:30 – 13:30
13:30 -14:30
WaterTech Panel Session with Technoparks of Organization of Turkic States Country-Members (ENG)
·Chubak Temirov, Deputy Director at High Technology Park of the Kyrgyz Republic, Kyrgyzstan
·IT Park of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan ·Astana Hub, Kazakhstan ·Teknopark Istanbul, Türkiye ·Bilişim Vadisi, Türkiye Bilkent ·Cyberpark, Türkiye ·Sabah Hub, Azerbaijan ·Moderator: Nuria Kutnaeva, Minister of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic |
14:30 – 15:30
WaterTech Panel Discussion from State Science Perspective (RUS)
·Talaibek Dzhumashevich Koichumanov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Advisor to the HTP Director
·National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic ·Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic ·Moderator: Rafiz Fanisovich Abazov, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation of the Kazakh National Agrarian Research ·University (KAZNAiU), Honorary Founding Director of the Institute for Green and Sustainable Development of the UN Model "New Silk Road", Coordinator of the Kazakh-American UNCEN Program KAZNAiU |
15:30 – 17:30
Unicorn From KG pitching
17:30 – 18:30
June 8
08:00 - 09:00 | Registration of participants |
09:00 - 10:00
Opening remarks
Nuriya Kutnaeva
Tattu Mambetalieva Ulan Abdurazakov - Akyl.ai (ENG) |
10:00 - 11:00
Supporting Innovative Startups - Japan Perspective (ENG)
·Moderator: Toyama san (JETRO)
·Minami san (Knowledge Capital) ·Deguchi, Tomonori (ArkEdge Space Inc) ·Dr. Malik, Kapil Kupar (Synspective Inc) ·Kawanoe, Kazufumi (AeroNext Inc) ·Azis Abakirov (HTP) |
11:00 - 12:00
Korea Tech (ENG): (Presentation)
Prof. Lee Jae-Sung, Ph.D. (INHA Technical College)
Prof. Lee Won Ju, Ph.D. (INHA Technical College) KOICA Director Korean Embassy Consul POC: Minara Sherikulova |
12:00 - 12:50
GovTech: State Digital Infrastructure Change (RUS)
RSK Bank Tunduk Infocom |
12:50 - 13:30
PM Professionals: How to deliver complex projects on the global scene
Alice Jang (Managing Partner, Head of PMO / Mad Devs)
Almaz Chanachev (Head of EPAM Office in Kyrgyzstan) Samat Jukeshov (Delivery Manager / Mad Devs) |
Nuriza 0709 396 041, Aiperi 0778 444 208,
г. Bishkek, Ankara, 2B
09:00 - 18:00